What do you love about working with people with ASD?

When asked this question, the first thing Senior Behaviour Specialist Tanya Curtis will say is that she loves the honesty that comes from people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. And that you are never left questioning where you stand. If they’re cranky with you, you know it. If they enjoy spending time with you, you also know it. They are absolutely honest and if the answers are at times unfiltered and a little blunt, they don’t ever leave you guessing what’s actually going on for them or how they are experiencing life.

And then there is their sense of humour. It is a myth that people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder don’t have a sense of humour and a lot of them are extremely funny. Tanya Curtis has always said that one of the hardest parts of her job in the clinical setting is to keep a straight face.

The other thing that she loves about working with people on the spectrum is that you never know what to expect. So life is never dull, life is never boring but a constantly changing landscape right in front of you. And it’s learning how to respond to what life  presents, never planning, never predicting but being responsive to whatever is presented to you at any given moment.

This video may be useful for those searching for the following:

  • Autism and humour
  • Learning to love and be loved
  • Autistic, not rude

What to watch next:

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