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The Body Life Skills Program

Behaviour change that lasts

All clinical services at Fabic are based on the Body Life Skills program which supports people to understand and change unwanted or non-preferred behaviour.

The Body Life Skills program offers a simple, practical, user-friendly and life-changing 3-step process that brings about lasting behaviour change.

To create lasting behaviour change, we must be willing to first identify the reason why the behaviour is occurring. The Body Life Skills program understands that all unwanted behaviour is a result of anxiety first.

What exactly is anxiety?

The definition for anxiety used throughout the Body Life Skills program is:

“Anxiety is not feeling like you have the skills to respond to what life is presenting at any given moment.”

~ Tanya Curtis

Anxiety ~ is what is felt in and expressed from the BODY
Not feeling equipped ~ is perceiving you do not yet have the required SKILLS
What is in front of you ~ LIFE

With this understanding we embrace that ALL unwanted or non-preferred behaviours, words, thoughts or feelings expressed from any person’s body, occur as a result of them perceiving they do not yet have the required skills to respond to what life has presented them at any given moment.

On the other hand, when a person perceives they have the required skills to respond to what life is presenting, their body is more likely to express using wanted or preferred behaviours, words, thoughts and feelings.

Thus, the Body Life Skills program is about supporting people to:

  • Identify when a body (yours or another person’s) is reacting (using unwanted or non-preferred behaviours) in response to life (the reason for behaviour)
  • Identify the reason … the part of life the person perceives they do not yet have all the required skills to respond to
  • Learn the skills so they feel equipped and ready to commit to partaking in life to their full capacity and potential

When implemented successfully, the Body Life Skills program brings about positive and lasting change for individuals, families, groups, organisations and government departments working in the fields of behaviour management, mental health, disability, justice, education and psychological well-being, even in cases when other approaches have failed.

To learn more about the Body Life Skills program, you can purchase the 11 part series from Fabic.TV

Other Body Life Skills Resources

Short Course - An Introduction to the Body Life Skills Program

The acclaimed Body Life Skills Program is now available as an Online Learning program, bringing you all the tools needed for the 3 steps leading to lasting behaviour change – Body, Life and Skills. The Body Life Skills Program is the basis for all of Fabic’s Behaviour Specialist Training courses.

The Body Life Skills Book Series

This series is for those who are serious about bringing true and lasting change. It covers in detail the Body Life Skills program in an extremely simple and super practical way that can be easily understood and implemented in everyday life.

An app to support effective and lasting behaviour change

The Body Life Skills app offers a practical everyday application of the Fabic Body Life Skills program to bring about lasting behaviour change for people of all ages.

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