Which workshop is best to attend?

All of the FABIC workshops are intended to support individuals to understand and change unwanted behaviours. All based on FABIC’s 3 step process to behaviour ...
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My child has been suspended from school, can you help me?

Individual consultations will focus on identifying the challenges that your child is faced with on a daily basis in the school setting, thus identifying the ...
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I know someone who has just received a diagnosis of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder & Aspergers Syndrome) or PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder). Can FABIC help?

At FABIC, we have extensive experience in supporting people who are on the Autism Spectrum and a solid understanding of the unique challenges that people ...
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I am an adult with Anxiety, can FABIC assist me?

Yes. In our clinical practice at FABIC, we have seen that anxiety is an epidemic. We support people with ranging levels of anxiety every day. ...
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I have been diagnosed with depression, can FABIC assist me?

Yes. Depression occurs when people perceive that their life is incomplete and/or has difficult situations in which the person does not feel equipped to manage. ...
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I am a psychologist, are FABIC’s training courses suitable for me?

Yes, FABIC’s approach to behaviour is often quite unique and refreshing to professionals. Our courses focus on increasing the attendee’s ability to find the reason ...
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Can I obtain funding to use FABIC’s services?

Yes. There are several organisations and funding bodies that can be applied to in order to receive financial support for FABIC services. These organisations are ...
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Where is FABIC?

FABIC’s Main clinic is located in Robina. FABIC also has satellite clinics in Brisbane, Flagstone and North East NSW where some of the FABIC practitioners ...
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Can I obtain FABIC’s Services in distant places?

Can I obtain FABIC’s Services in distant places? Yes. Zoom (video conferencing via the internet) and telephone allow FABIC to provide clinical services both Nationally ...
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What is behaviour?

Behaviour is a word that is often misunderstood. People often think that behaviour relates to something bad, naughty or alike. This is not true. The ...
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How are FABIC’s practitioners different to others?

At FABIC we understand that to truly support another we must first support ourselves. Therefore, a commitment to continued personal and professional development is paramount ...
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How is FABIC different to other psychology and counselling clinics?

Firstly, we are not part of other psychology and counselling clinics, so we can’t compare how we are different. What we can tell you is ...
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Who specifically are FABIC services for?

In short – all of us. Why? We all use behaviours we would prefer not to use We have often tried to change this behaviour, ...
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